Wednesday, February 20, 2008

benjamin bixby fashion-line to launch spring '08

coming off of a starring in Semi-Pro, andre benjamin of OutKast has announced he will be putting out his own fashion-line compromised of different and oldies ideals. andre benjamin was considered part of tha prep crew back in high-school with his legendary friend Fonsworth Bentley. benjamin feels like bringing back tha old-school prep, which didn' consist of american eagle, abercombie & fitch, aeropostale and hollister but of fashions along the lines of ralph-lauren, lacoste and Turnbull & Asser. such fashion-lines included wide-brimmed fedora hats, waistcoats and finished off with a set of leathery boots. we all know andre benjamin to have a different clothing-style than most of tha hyped celebrities of today, he tends to wear the clothing that no one is able to manage such as bright yellow pants with a matching tie and a totally different contrast of a shirt then topped with a straw-hat!?

you may not believe the description, but do i lie?...

and he doesn't even look eccentric, we can believe that andre benjamin would do it!

so andre3000 wants to launch tha 70piece fashion-line startin this spring so be on tha look out!
and also be out on tha look out for his new solo album which will dropp this fall, this guy is great

some of tha line:
shirt, pantz, belt, kickz...

prep jacket

and check out tha trailer for Semi-Pro


Anonymous said...

wait is this clothing line only for men?

Anonymous said...

shayy is yu guna b wearin thiss??

shay said...

not sure if its for women too, its hard to catch a lot of info

ill prolly get some button-downs cause he rocks em well