something that has been constantly on my mind is school. its something that is essential for a great future, but it is also a long part of life that most dread. and i am included in that most category. i know i'm definitely going to need education in my future since i aspire to be many different things (i can never come to just one career option, i want to be either a lawyer, entrepreneur, professional chef CATCH ME ON TOP CHEF!) but for all these possible careers i need to endure this painful experience called school. for those that are secluded from the world i thought i'd find a befitting definition for this word- school and found what this outrageous dude put up with a few of my own modifications
school: A place where everyone secretly hates each (cliques & classifications. check my girl lindsay lohan in mean girls for more info!) other including students, staff and teachers and is a nightmare. They force you to do useless work (which you will prolly NEVER use in your life) while they also expect you to put up with peer pressure, your home life, and social life.
so you cant explain school any better than that... its fun at times, but its dreadful for the majority of your 18years of life in school. my personal breakdown of what school has done to my life: 65% dealing with school work/studying - 15% sleeping - 10% chilling/relaxing (prolly in my office doing my taxes?!) - 5% making ridunkulous videos in piano class - 5% additional sleeping/rest (aka POWER naps, try it some time)
so truly, i dont hate school but i do despise it. i need it to take my life to a higher level of living (college life and professional life), but i feel that after i graduate high school i should be able to live a chillled/relaxed lifestyle lacking complaints and problems
**Possibly a new STEP YA GAME UP VIDEO tomorrow, any ideas for topics?
(aim: whoizshay)**
**big ups to LRHS bball for making MD Final 4**
shit never stops man... first you dread school, then you dread going to lectures after a well-partied hangover, then you hate your dayjob... before you know it, you hate that the mail man ain't deliverin your social security pension on time. all the while wondering, "when will life REALLY begin?"
truth is, life is now. it's not yesterday's boring ass classwork, it's not tomorrow's dreaded test; it's here, and now, and nothin' else. word.
ha theres life until you start kindergarten and life restarts after your retireee. cause you go to school, college, then you hafto workk.
but of course retiring would be no good if you dont do shit in school, cause then you end up with a bad job and no money so when you retire you're screeewwed
confusingg shitt.
stfu vas
vasily why do u always give some lecture on a comment lol
I LOVE IT!!....finally you write something that means something and your good at it..your doing a really good job u shyould do a lot more like this ...u know draw in an even bigger audience you know...keep it up its really good
ugh school...some ppl spend like 30 somethin yrs in school n they still dont know what they want to do w. their lives...
stop hatin jones, u kno i got a point. n i like how u posted as anonymous then 2 minutes later u signed in lol
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