Wednesday, April 30, 2008

7yr old hood-rat

this kid is officially on the g-status, he gets mad at his old moms and decides hes gonna take a joyride with his friend who "smokes with cigerettes," and thinks a plausible punishment for his actions is no video games for a whole weekend.

-good looks to my cuzzo, modi


Anonymous said...

i wanna whip this kid's parents behind, not the kid's, cuz the parents obviously didn't raise him straight. this is the future of america, guys, lo and behold.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this kid needs some home training..i mean really how is this kid gonna leav the house and get in a car without the grand ma the grandma shoulda wooped his tail on the spot

Jones! said...

lmfao "i wanna do hood-rat stuff for my friends" hahahaha

Anonymous said...

lol wtf...young youth and stupidity ..all i gotta say

Anonymous said...

watch corey worthington on youtube being interviewd...