Friday, April 11, 2008

white chicks

it seems that these white chicks, no matter their life-status (trailer trash, prep, etc.), are getting a tad bit reckless...

i was astonished when i saw this chick goin off:

i think this same chick may have been the victim in this:

yes, i know i'm taking a wild stab in the dark by saying that...but the trailer girl was spewing wildness all over the internet, just talking the usual sh!t, and then some girl gets CLAPPED for doing the same thing? okay, i don't condone the actions of any of these young ladies, not at all; however, why does this happen!? why must girls consistently talk sh!t about each other and think its okay? maybe the girl deserved the beating, i'm not saying she did, but to the girls who did attack her was what she said that demeaning for you to have had her partially blind, partially deaf, and leave the house-hould with a major concussion? i really don't understand women, i really don't... but one thing i can say is that with women comes absolute drama.


Anonymous said...

all of that wat extremley rediculous. umm all those bitches were sum straight up trash. nd im madd in dat first video that ugly bitch act like she go hard nd said the N-wordd. oommgg. dat bitch was sum trash..nd all tha ppl in tha second video deserve wat they got thats jus trifflin that they all gangd up on dat girl..idk wat she did buh it musta been badd ass shitt

c.mill said...

i cant tell if in that first video that girl is trailer trash or just straight up fuckin ugly...........or maybe both

Anonymous said...

LMAO in the second video one girl said watch the shelves!! wow...

Jones! said...

its not the same girl cuz the girl gettin her ass whooped had brown hair and the wigger talkin shit was a red-head

Anonymous said...

ya the girl in da the first video is veryyy confused. today people sayin nigga aint a big deal.. but back in the day people would like shoot someone ova dat.and 4da 2nd vid its kinda messed up that those girls beat the other girl up cuz of one catty problem nd made the girl lose her hearin and sight.