Monday, April 21, 2008

Time to get political...

as we should all already know the Presidential Election of '08 is steadily creeping on the country with the primary candidates being narrowed down to 3: John McCain (R.), Barack Obama (D.), and Hilary Clinton (D.) this election has seen its share of amusement with personal lashes made to every single one of the candidates most especially being the rising tensions between Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hilary Clinton. they have each lashed out at each other whether it be on someone's middle name or if they misspeak/lie on certain situations. but these constant altercations between the two democratic candidates have been denounced by many elite democrats stating that what they are doing are destroying the democratic party, instead of fighting for their topics it seems to have become a series of grudge matches every time a state primary arises. however, the topic at hand is how a candidate handles the pressure and today the crown goes to sir Barack, King of Coolness.

To enjoy this post to the fullest extent, you need to watch the full minute of this miraculous video...

must i even ask for thoughts?


Anonymous said...

o yess he has handled all the bad press and negativity so well especially that last debate..they were comin at him sooo hard but he simply just shook it off. this is deff the candidate we need to not only represent the democratic nomination in the fall but to be our president of the united states for the next four years

Anonymous said...

this is my educated opinion:

lifes a bitch why vote for one
hilary clinton is a hypocrite

all i have to say is
GO OBAMA :] said...

son people are wack because they didn't even watch the entire video. if they did, they'd realize that he brushes his shoulders off like a champ.

Anonymous said...

It is getting so bad that no matter who whens the Democratic Party. Mccain may end up being the winner by default. If Barack wins the Democrats, 1 and 3 Hillary supporters say they would rather vote Republican than support Obama's campain. The same thing holds true for Hillary. The main thing Democrats need to do is make sure we dont have another Bush in the White House. Feel meh?

Anonymous said...

lmao haha hilarious

nice posst

Anonymous said...

Barack is goin all the way for suree