Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Today Marks the 1-Year Anniversary of the VTech Massacre

we all already know what happened on excactly this day one year ago, so there is no need to go over the event. but how has the nation changed since? school shootings still happen, guns are still allowed in various states, and there are crazy people still out in the nation lacking the professional care that they need. all acts of violence are terrible, but you would think a nation could learn from their previous mistakes...we don't though, the same sh!t always happens. you'd think people changed, but nope kids are still shooting each other (ie. wilde lake RIP b.adams). i think we, as a nation, need to tighten up and ensure the safety of our citizens by doing whatever needs to be done. as a higher-end gov't student a thing we always talk about is trade-offs, to ensure safety, we have to give the gov't permission to take away certain rights from the citizens. it's only fair. i digress. but what have we learned?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is real. I feel this post.

keep your heads up everyone over at VT.

thanks for hitting the blog up my dude. keep in touch.